*A Haunted History with Dustin Pari (All ages)

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Capital Area District Libraries (system-wide)

Event Details

Ah, Halloween! What is it about this time of year that is so mystifying and enchanting? In this entertaining virtual lecture, author and paranormal researcher Dustin Pari sheds some light on the spooky shadows of Halloween history and lore. Ghost stories? Yeah, he's got those too! With over 25 years of experience researching the unknown, Pari has appeared on SyFy’s Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International and Destination Truth, and on the Travel Channel’s Ghost Nation. Hear more about him and his paranormal experiences when he sists down for a fascinating interview on CADLCast. *Registration required at 517-367-6312, or click on "Register." You will receive an email with a link to the Microsoft Teams event. 

Event Type(s): Holidays & Celebrations
Age Group(s): Adults, Teens, Children

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